Mobile Platforms 15:45 - 17:00

Increasingly mobile is becoming a more important platform for music content delivery. Initially it was only possible through side loading. Now 3G networks, and the increasing proliferation of WiFi networks, has enabled not only download over the air but streaming too. In addition in many territories around the world (e.g India, China, Africa etc) the penetration of mobile phones is incredibly high were as desktop computers and broadband infrastructure is extremely limited. Is the future of content distribution all about mobile? Will there finally be complete convergence to mobile devices? Will you access music streams in your car via mobile internet rather than a broadcast signal?  If mobile is the future what will be the best format of delivery? Is it simply about Apps? Which system will prevail? iPhone? Blackberry? Android?  How will 4G revolutionise mobility of the internet? Will this be the end of storage and ownership?